ÖFÖ Am - - On va te Caillasser ( We Will Stone You)
From the great tradition of inbreeding in the rock bands in Montpellier (south of France), ÖfÖ AM has followed the rule since in effect, Nico, here on drums, plays bass and sings in Superbeatnik www.myspace.com/superbeatnik) and Tony, by the guitar, hits drums on Stony Broke (www.myspace.com/stonybroke).
Influenced by bands ranging from Deep Purple to Unsane through Black Sabbath and Kyuss, ÖfÖ AM has chosen to remain instrumental and focus each of its pieces around a central theme.
Always in search of THE tone , Nico invents the effects used on bass and guitar since he is the creator of the stompboxe’s company "Mazzette". Our first EP is available in vinyl on Head Records.
Head Records

Track List